API v0


Welcome to the arla docs!

This version of the API just pulls information directly from the FAA with minimal processing. Because the FAA provides the information in all capital letters, all information return by the API will be in capitals. This also means that certain values in the returned result may need more processing by your code.

Rate Limits

TierMax Request Rate
Free512 requests/minute
Paid tiers are not supported, but if you need more capabilities, email me or create an issue on GitHub.


In the case of an error, the API route will return an object with an error and message for that error. The endpoint will also return a non-200 status code. Here are the possible error codes:

Error CodeStatus CodeMeaning
not_found404The requested object could not be found. The message parameter will contain a user friendly error message.
rate_limit429You are sending too many requests and have hit the rate limit. Wait 60 seconds before resuming.


  error: "not_found",
  message: "Could not find an engine for the specified model code."

API Routes

The API consists of only 3 endpoints. All endpoints listed here must be prefix with "/api/v0". If you call any endpoint without its parameter, a random one will be returned. All parameters are NOT case-sensitive.

API Object Types